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STP Carly's Blog

Gabriel is here!

Hi everyone! On Tuesday, March 13th, at noon exactly, Gabriel decided to show his face :) It was a rather quick and easy birth, but not painless lol. He weighed in at 3.6 kilos and 51 cms ( about 8 lbs and 20 inches ). After a week in the hospital (mandatory and way too long for me) we are finally home and trying to get situated while getting our new flat ready as we'll be moving on the 30th, so to say I'm a little stressed right now may be an understatement but I'm happy:) Here is a pic of my little one at 3 days old.


Look I told you I was a terrible blogger! I sure wasn't lying lolol! Thank you all for your well wishes and congrats with the pregnancy, I really appreciate it :) Now the baby is a boy, we found that out at the end of November so we have agree on the name of Gabriel. And let me tell you, name picking is hard! And boy is he active! I swear he thinks he is going to be the next Zidane and keeps me awake all night with his kicks and flips :) I have had three scans so far, 8week, 12week and 22 week. I have only two scans scanned (lolol) so let me see if I can attach them lolol. Here is the 8 week scan as it is my favorite, it is the shape of the baby although it is only the size of a bean at that time lol! I will post my January pics when we do them: I hope you all have a very merry Christmas and safe!!! New year!!!

Baby on the way!

Well I'm sorry, I'm a lousy blogger, guess that is reason why I don't have one anywhere lol! I've been busy with our second round of ivf treatment and am very happy to say that it worked this time! Had my blood test yesterday and was confirmed, will get a follow up blood test the end of this week, but we are pretty confident :) Thanks to all you well wishers :)

Tanya's Diner

Well I've had a lot of request to reupload Tanya's Diner and I see Kath, who is such a great person & I adore her, is doing that now, I figured why n ot try a Tanya's Diner for Sims2? Perhaps this time I should change the name though since it won't exactly be the same but it will be similar minus the car though! Sorry about that but that model belongs to someone else and there is nothing appropriate in the game itself to match! so I will start working on that this week and hopefully have it done soon!

In the meantime I see my doctor on Monday to find out when I start the next ivf treatment.


No Baby Yet

I should have updated this earlier and let you know what is going on, but I wanted to wait till I talked to my doctor first.

The first IVF treatment didn't work, well there were some problems with it and it was almost called off during the treatment. I'm pretty disappointed, but our next go round is in May. We have three more shots at this and of course now I sit and worry if it will happen the next time lol.

Thanks to everyone for writing me and wishing me luck, I'm bottling that luck for May and hopefully I'll have good news with that :)



As I mentioned earlier, I'm in the middle of ivf treatments. Well after much stress, tonight I get my stimulation shot and Wednesday the eggs come out! Then Friday or Saturday, depending on how things are, they will be put back in. So I'll know by February if a little one is on the way :)


Great new look for TSR and fab new mini-fa sites. I'm really liking this new design they worked hard on! Now I have been really busy lately, today is actually the first day of my in vitro treatments so the worrying has begun again with that! I haven't been able to create much lately but I send Kath some goodies for Sims1 fans, still lots of requests for stuff that was lost.

Merry christmas & seasons greetings to you all!

Latest Headlines

Gabriel is here! Gabriel Baby on the way! Tanya's Diner No Baby Yet IVF Yeah!
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